PhD Student in Computer Science

Skilled and committed employees are a crucial factor in the success of Linköping University. And we need more of them. Our core expertise comes from teachers and researchers, but a successful university requires experienced and motivated employees in many fields. Everyone is important. We need to recruit many new employees thanks to, among all, an expansion in our research activity. We need you here. We look forward to receiving your application!
The Department of Computer and Information Science was founded in 1983 but its roots go back to the early 1970s. It is one of the largest computer science departments in northern Europe.
Our research covers a broad spectrum of fields, from core to applied computer sciences. Its vast scope also benefits our undergraduate and graduate programmes, and we now teach courses in several engineering programmes at bachelor’s and master’s levels, as well as the programmes in statistics, cognitive science and innovative programming.
Hereby advertises a position as
PhD student in Computer Science
formally based at Dept. of Computer and Information Science
As a PhD student you will primarily devote yourself to your research. As a PhD student you are limited to work with education and administration up to 20 percent of full time.
Qualified to PhD studentships are only those who are or have been admitted to graduate studies.
The topic of the PhD project is security in 5G networks. A candidate for this position is expected to have a Master degree (five years of university studies or more) in the area of computer science, computer engineering, information technology or telecommunications. The candidate will thereby have the ability of programming complex software systems that will orchestrate the future generation networks with protocols at the access network and/or core network. She/he will be familiar with virtualization techniques, and have a keen interest in modelling and analysis of network protocols, authentication schemes and identifying security loops at software layers. Excellent communication in English, both verbally and written, is also a requirement.
The work of a PhD student is driven by curiosity, passion for innovation and creativity, and ability to work independently. You will however enjoy a great research environment in a renowned research lab with great facilities and will be guided by world class researchers. This particular PhD position will also be co-supervised by a security professor at Lund University and closely work with a student who starts at the same time at Lund under the strategic research program ELLIIT. Having a working knowledge of cryptographic protocols and ability to work with mathematical formalisations is an additional merit.
Appointment time
The appointment will be until further notice for a maximum of one year at a time. A doctoral student may not be employed during a period exceeding eight years. The total time of appointment must not exceed the equivalent of four years´ full time research training.
Starting date
First half of 2021, by agreement.
The salary for PhD students is based on the department’s salary scale.
Union representatives
Information about union representatives, see Help for applicants.
Application procedure
Apply for the position by clicking the “Apply” button below. Your application must be received at latest February 15, 2021.
Applications and documents received after the date above will not be considered.
Include the following items in the application attachments:
(a) A CV including contact details, the date of the earlier degrees and the university at which they were obtained, the title of the Master thesis and a link to the published version (if English), and a list of peer-reviewed publications.
(b) A letter of intent, explaining the way you envisage your abilities and background can be combined with the topics above and contribute to the research in the lab.
(c) Transcripts from courses at the earlier educational cycles at university.
Equal opportunitiesA majority of our PhD students within the Department of Computer and Information Scienceare are men, which is why precedence will be given to women in cases where qualifications are deemed otherwise equivalent.
Linköping University will continue to develop as an attractive and creative place of work, characterized by equal terms and actively works for equality and diversity.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Linköping university has framework agreements and wishes to decline direct contacts from staffing- and recruitment companies as well as from vendors of job advertisements.
Contact persons
Simin Nadjm-Tehrani
Sandra Malmström